Looking To Get into Archery? Here’s How You Can Get Started...

Archery has been used as a method of hunting for hundreds of years but has developed into much more than just a necessary life skill. Still used for hunting, it has also become a hobby for many people of all ages, with communities expanding across the globe with leagues and competitions. Whether you’re seeking to improve your skills to tag that first, or even record-breaking, kill, or develop a new hobby that could turn into a professional 3-D shooting career, or simply looking for a fun new way to make friends and stay outdoors – here are a few tips on how to get started in the world of Archery.

Take advantage of your local ranges or join your local archery club.
Finding a spot to practice with experienced archers is first and foremost the best way to get your foot in the door. Many clubs will offer rental equipment for you to start off with, which is a fantastic way for you to get a feel for the sport and decide if it’s something you want to continue pursuing before making that big investment.
Joining a local archery club is also a great way to engage with the community that comes with this sport, and believe us, the level of community in the archery world is like no other. You can find a local range or club near you using online locators such as this one on Archery 360.
Invest in the right equipment.

Once you decide that you are serious about pursuing archery, take some time to demo different bows and communicate with your local retailer who will be able to help you find a model that is right for you. Elite has a wide variety of bows that fit many different draw lengths and weights to allow optimal customization for your bow set up and provide you with the best equipment for your new hobby! You can use the Elite Retailer Locator to find out where to demo an Elite bow near you to find your best Elite fit.
Use your resources.
Whether or not you know someone who is skilled in archery, seeking out advice in-person or online can provide great insight and tips for your skill development. Archery can be as simple or complex as you make it out to be, which is why it is an all-around great sport for everyone to get involved in one way or another. You don’t have to be the tallest, you don’t have to be the fastest and you don’t have to be the prettiest to shoot a bow and arrow. You do not have to have a vision of becoming a competitive professional archer to enjoy the sport and become part of the community. This sport and hobby is for everyone, and with internet resources and social media at your fingertips – finding a place to shoot or someone to guide you in the right direction will be no problem!