Darrin Christenberry Inspires Competitors with First Ever Left-Handed Win
Not a day goes by that Elite Pro Archery & Pro Staff Coordinator, Darrin Christenberry, doesn’t pick up his bow. Once he started shooting professionally in February of 1991, he had no plans of stopping. However, after many years of shooting right-handed he physically could not aim his bow right-handed anymore and was faced with a big decision to make. With noticeable vibrations and shakes that affected his accuracy, his confidence had been depleted, and he was ready to quit. Against his better judgment – he didn’t. After over 21 years of competing at the highest level right-handed, letting go of this life-long sport simply wasn’t an option.

It's been 2 years and 1 month since Darrin made the switch and started teaching himself to shoot left-handed. While he has taken home some podium finishes along the way, finishing 2nd three times this 2023 season at the IBO classics, his first ever number one on the podium as a left-handed shooter finally occurred! It has been over 10 years since Darrin has stood on the top step of the pro podium, making this win even more special.
“Well...that was pretty cool! It’s been 10 years and 3 months since I’ve stood on the top step of the pro podium! First win as a lefty and I couldn’t be happier! Thanks to everyone for the support and positive feedback!” - Darrin Christenberry, Elite Pro Shooter & Staff
Not only did this win bring back the level of confidence he has missed, but it also proves that the right decision is to keep going. Darrin proved to himself and so many that you never know where the choice to continue may take you, especially when you have an undeniable passion for something.
The competition itself took place in the 3rd leg of the IBO Triple Crown in Nelsonville, OH and Darrin competed in the PSR Class. After completing the 40-target qualification and heading into the shootoff in the lead, he did not want to give this tournament away. It had been years since he had started a shootoff in the lead, so he asked himself, “Are you gonna rise to the occasion or give it away?”
Darrin credits his ability to make such progress and finally take home this meaningful win to the whole support system that has been built around him — from his team to the manufacturers to his wife and his father watching over. They all continue to encourage him. He values his ability to practice each and every day from the comfort of his at home indoor range and doesn’t take for granted the access to the amount of equipment he has. Understanding not everyone has the same luxury and is extremely thankful, there is not a day goes by that Darrin Christenberry, doesn’t get his reps in.

“I truly love archery. I live it and I breathe it....having success on the tournament trail just sweetens the whole deal for me.” - Darrin Christenberry
Everyone at Elite Archery and The Outdoor Group couldn’t be happier or more proud of all Darrin has accomplished. Proving not only to himself, but the entire archery community, that persistence in the face of hardships truly leads to perseverance and triumph. Congratulations Darrin on your win and here is to the next one!
Images credited to CAM (Competition Archery Media)